2011年2月16日 星期三

CWHK31 afterword

*This afterword is based on Chinese version~:D
How long I didn’t write a afterword about comic’s event?
Last time is 2010/01/04, Rainbow Gala’s afterword…OTZ
Ok, I admit, I’m SO lazy ;P

Saturday afternoon I took 3:30 ship to HK
But I don’t know why, the trip usually spends about 1hr, but this time it took 1.5hr!!!

I saw this advertisement at MTR station…Okay, Don’t laugh…美斯in HK

Ok, continue
We(my friend and I) went to hostel immediately
But unfortunately, the owner went outside…OTZ
Oh my god!!!! My bag was extremely heavy!!!!
Be’coz I put some books inside it!!!!;w;
So heavy!!!;__;

I carried that bag and go to Print Shop to take my new doujinshi
But, when I almost arrived the shop, the print shop’s owner phoned me and said,
“Do you take you files with you? You have 2 files can’t open!”
“What!? I have brought them with me!!! I’m coming now!!!!!”
Oh my god!!! Why always like that!? Last time also like that!
When my 2rd Macau’s doujinshi printed out, the files were also broken ;w;!!!
It’s lucky that my USB always follows me! And I always install my doujinshi inside the USB!

When I arrived the shop, is about 6 o’clock…
Only the cover was finished!!!!!! Other didn’t start yet!!!!!(cries
I asked the owner what can I help
I help him to separate the cover and cut the unnecessary plastic out
(Because my cover is covered by a thin plastic, so I need to cut them out, otherwise the cutting machine will broken)

It is very difficult to cut indeed!!!
My friend and the owner cut much quicker than me(cries
About 8:30 pm, my books finally finished!!!!!!(Oh yeah~!!!
Btw, I phoned to hostel’s owner, from 6:00 to 7:30…= =;;;
About 7:30 the owner finally back…OTZ

We went back to our hostel (in Mong Kok) already 9:00!!!!(cries)
Many shops closed at 10:00!!!!!
Only one o’clock for us to shopping!!!!!!(cries
First, we went to SINO CENTRE (in Mong Kok, many manga shops in this building) to buy mangas~;p
That we took MTR to go to Causeway Bay, because I want to go to Marks & Spencer and Muji to buy snacks…OTZ
But it’s too late for us; the shops were closed when we arrived!!!!!!(cries

Because it is really too late, I didn’t go to visit my friend!!! Really very Sorry!!!

Next day, in the event.
We both get up very early! Because we should arrive the exhibition centre before 10:00a.m.
We took the breakfast, took a taxi and met our friend.
About 9:40 we started to set our table ;p

I took some photos before the event started!!!!
Because I’m so afraid that I can’t take any photos during the event!!! Crowed of people!!!!

Here is the photos ;p

Macau and the rabbit~~co cute~~~

Our table(by side)

Our table(in front)

Under the table!!!! The most secret place~~!!!XDDDDDDD

About 11:30, the event stared
Ehh…many people came!!!
The weather that day was not good, raining and very cold!!
But these didn’t stop people to come this event!!!!

Maybe too much people, the allergic rhinitis attacked and lack of oxygen!!!
Oh my god!!! It made me feel so sick!!!(cries
I went outside to breath fresh air and took some photos~

Every stage had many cosplayers

Crowed of people inside the centre…x__x

Compared to Rainbow Gala and CWTHK, lot of traffic
And my books almost sold out~~~Oh yeah~~~~(rock)

About 6pm we left and go to Marks & Spencer~~yeah~~~

Good bye~ Hong Kong!!

At last, I must post this photo here!!!!

HK & Macau brother!!!!! (HK by Nei) and thank for the cake~very delicious!!

Btw, in my mind, HK and Macau, they are brother!!! BROTHER!!!! Nothing more than this~XD
(Chinese in the photo (from left to right): money x HK x money (HK loves money very much!!!) brother, brother)

Last and the last…
secret of lotus
Chinese (right to left):

Why the lotus on Macau’s head is white but not other colors?
Purple is too flirtatious for child and the pink will lead me think about...


